VC Awards

The Vice-Chancellor’s Learning Awards recognise and celebrate learning and teaching at Deakin University. The award ceremony was held on Thursday 21st November at Deakin Downtown. Each awardee received a digital credential to add to their resumes.

We are proud to share that Ms Simone Tyrell, Dr Leanne Ngo, Associate Professor Kerrie Bridson, Ms Sharon Chua, Ms Kim Phu, Dr Michaela Spiers, and Mr Michael Volkov were awarded the WJC Banks Awards for Outstanding Contributions to Learning recognising their Professional Literacy Suite project.


“The team delivered a strategic and successful design, integration and support of the Professional Literacy Suite (link), delivering scaffolded professional and digital skills to students, utilising CloudFirst, whole-of-course perspectives. The Professional Literacy Suite (PLS) comprises three elements: Essential Digital Literacy, Introduction to Professional Identity, and Professional Literacy. Over 12,500 students have now completed the modules since they were introduced in 2016. The wholly-online modules include interactive, media-rich elements that are visually engaging, centred on strong learning design and scenario-based learning. Contextualised in authentic work-based settings, the design enhances student learning, empowering learners for the jobs and skills of the future. Utilising a distributed leadership model, the PLS was designed and implemented by a multi-disciplinary project team, drawing together course leadership, unit teams and the Faculty of Business and Law’s Learning Innovations and Library teams. This approach exemplifies a true Deakin CloudFirst approach, designed with cloud students’ needs first and foremost, transferable across trimesters, regardless of location or mode of enrolment. Students’ academic achievement in assessment tasks, course learning outcomes, and increased confidence levels provide clear measures of success.”

Dr Craig Parker and Dr Harsh Suri were awarded the Deakin University Award for Excellence in Teaching for Student Employability recognizing their contributions towards improving the employability of international students through evaluative judgement and real business problems. They created a coherent suite of strategic initiatives to support Master of Information System students in building their capacity to identify, prepare for and strategically pursue professional employment in Australia.

Dr Ameeta Jain, Ms Dianne Thomson and Mr Tom Keel were awarded Deakin University Awards for Teaching Excellence for authentic learning in property and real estate.

The Vice-Chancellor’s Early Career Researcher Award for Career Excellence and Vice-Chancellor’s Mid-Career Researcher Award for Career Excellence were awarded to Dr Shiri Krebs and Associate Professor Gabrielle Wolf, respectively.

Visit this page for a list of all award recipients.

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