What is it?
The Quiz tool in CloudDeakin is used for both formative and summative assessment to enable you to assess students using range of question types to evaluate students learning process and learning outcomes.
What to use it for?
The CloudDeakin Quiz tool allows you to create a wide variety of question types, ranging from true or false quiz, multiple choice questions, short written responses to complex mathematical formulas. You can also view quiz statistics such as grade distribution, grade average, question statistics, and user statistics after receiving completed quizzes from students.
All online tests included as part of the unit/course’s summative assessment should meet the standards outlined in Assessment (Higher Education Courses) Procedure – Schedule C: Standards for Administering Unsupervised Online Tests which are Automatically Computer-Marked at Deakin University.
Staff are not to use online questions or any learning material from external publishers for assessment purposes (quizzes, etc.) unless approved by the DVCE. Please contact Learning Innovations team for advice.
Bottom of Form
- Staff are required to prepare their testbank questions in the correct Respondus format (Respondus Help Guide)
- Learning Innovations team require at least two weeks, and sometimes longer for large (eg. 100+ questions)
- Incorrect formatting of testbank questions and/or incomplete forms will delay the process.
There are three steps to quiz creation (online support links are provided below if you would like to attempt it on your own):
There are three steps to quiz creation:
- Preparing your testbank of questions for CloudDeakin – three options:
- Option #1: Preparing the testbank in a suitable rich text format/word
- Option #2: Creating a quiz testbank directly in Respondus
- Option #3: Creating new testbank questions directly in CloudDeakin
- Importing your testbank in CloudDeakin via
- Setting up your quiz parameters in CloudDeakin.
Standard quiz question formats
Creating a bank of questions
- Open your preferred word processing program.
- For all question types, each question must commence with a question number, followed by a full stop or a close parentheses and at least one space, then the question wording.
1) Who was the first Prime Minister of Australia? - If required, a title for each question can be inserted by typing Title followed immediately by a colon and a space and then the title wording, on the line above the question wording.
Title: First Prime Minister
1) Who was the first Prime Minister of Australia?
Multiple choice questions (one correct answer)
- Each answer choice must begin with a letter followed by a full stop or a close parentheses.
- The letter for the correct answer should be immediately proceeded by an asterisk.
Title: First Prime Minister
1) Who was the first Prime Minister of Australia?
a. John Howard
b. Alfred Deakin
*c. Sir Edmund Barton
- Feedback for individual answer choices can be inserted by placing the feedback on the line under the answer and preceding it with an @ and a space.
- General feedback for the overall question can be provided in a similar way by placing the feedback on the line under the question and again preceding it with an @ and a space.
Title: First Prime Minister
1) Who was the first Prime Minister of Australia?
@ Sir Edmund Barton was the First Prime Minister of Australia and is also said to be the father of Federation.
a. John Howard
@ John Howard is the current Prime Minister
b. Alfred Deakin
@ Alfred Deakin was the second Prime Minister of Australia
*c. Sir Edmund Barton
@ Well done!
Multiple choice questions (multiple correct answers)
- Type Type: MR as the first line. This is followed, on subsequent lines, by the Title, if required, the question number, question wording and answer choices in a similar format to that above.
- Feedback can also be included as for one correct answer multiple choice questions above. All correct answers should be immediately proceeded by an asterisk.
Type: MR
Title: Alfred Deakin
2) Alfred Deakin served in what term(s) as Prime Minister of Australia.
@ Alfred Deakin actually served as Australia’s second, fifth and seventh Prime Minister.a. First
*b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth
*e. Fifth
f. Sixth
*g. Seventh
True/false questions
- Answer choices must be presented in a similar format to that for multiple choice questions, with True or T as the first answer choice followed by False or F, in order for Respondus to recognise it as a true/false question.
- Feedback can also be included as for multiple choice questions. Example:
3) Alfred Deakin was the first Prime Minister of Australia.
@ Sir Edmund Barton was the First Prime Minister of Australia. Alfred Deakin was the second.
a. True
*b. False
Paragraph questions
Type Type: P as the first line. This is followed, on subsequent lines, by the Title, if required, the question number, question wording and sample answer, in a similar format as for multiple choice questions.
Type: P
Title: Sir Edmund Barton
4) In terms of Australian political history, who was Sir Edmund Barton?
a. Sir Edmund Barton is said to be the father of Federation and was the first Prime Minister of Australia.
Short answer questions
- Type Type: S as the first line. This is followed, on subsequent lines, by the Title, if required, the question number, and question wording.
- Respondus will allow you to import only one correct answer, but will allow you to enter multiple forms of that answer.
Type: S
Title: Australia’s first Prime Minister
5) Who was Australia’s first Prime Minister?
a. Sir Edmund Barton
b. Barton
c. Mr Barton
d. Edmund Barton
Fill in the blank questions
Fill in the blanks questions may be imported by starting the first line of formatting with “Type: FMB”. This is followed by the “Title” (which is optional), the question number, and the question wording with the words to be filled in provided in [square brackets]. The wording can include up to 10 [words] to be filled in, each of which can have up to 20 correct answers.
Type: FMB Title (Option): Name
6) Text1 [Answer1] Text2 [Answer2] Text3 [Answer3] Text4 [Answer4]
Type: FMB Title: Multiple blanks 5. A [rose] by any other [name] would smell as [sweet].
Ordering the answer
Ordering questions can be imported by starting the first line of formatting with “Type: ORD”, followed by the “Title” (which is optional), the question number, the question wording, and the answer choices in the correct order
Type: ORD
Title(Optional): Name
7) Question wording
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth
Type: ORD
Title: Presidential Order
Q Put the following presidents in order of service?
a. George Washington
b. John Adams
c. Thomas Jefferson
d. James Madison
e. James Monroe
Essay question
The logic for importing essay questions (named “Long Answer” questions in Desire2Learn) is similar to what is described for multiple choice and true or false questions. The primary difference is that the first line of formatting must begin with “Type: E”.
Alternate way to provide answer: You can place it in a list of correct answers at the end of the file.
The list must begin with the heading “Answers:” and must be positioned at the end of the file. The answer to an essay question should begin with the corresponding question number, followed by either a period “.” or a parentheses “)”. This is then followed by a space and then the answer.
Type: E
Title: (Optional)
Q.no.) Question wording. a) Answer
- A
- C
- Answer
- B
Useful Resources
Request for setting up an online quiz in CloudDeakin
Request for setting up an online exam in CloudDeakin