Getting Started Checklist
System Check: If this is your first time using CloudDeakin you must:
- Ensure your computer meets the recommended computer standards.
- Run a system check before you log-on if you receive a warning for any area, go to the Recommended Browsers and Settings page and follow the instructions.
Access CloudDeakin via DeakinHub
Use the following checklist to manage tasks that should be completed before trimester starts.
 | CloudDeakin Task / Tool |
Add a welcome video and message – using the Announcements tool, add a New Announcement which includes a welcome video and a transcript or equivalent information. Make sure the title of the Announcement starts with Welcome. This will ensure it is pinned to the top until end of week 2. See Adding a Video and Welcome Message  section for instructions. | |
Check the Unit Team widget is up-to-date – Check that the Unit Team widget contains correct information about the Unit Chair and team on the homepage. | |
Check the Discussion Forums/Topics – The Faculty of Business and Law unit template populates generic Forums for General Unit, Assessment and Peer Learning, Networking and Community discussions (set as draft). You will need to remove any redundant forums that may have been brought over if you requested content to be copied from a previous unit offering. | |
Manage your learning resources using the Content tool – The Faculty of Business and Law unit resources template has been populated in all unit sites. You can use sample style guides to help with organizing content. If you have requested for resources copied over from a previous unit offering, please review and amend any redundant items and or update accordingly | |
Request set up of Assignment dropboxes, grades, rubrics and groups (if applicable)– Faculty of Business and Law Learning Innovations team can support Unit Teams in the setup of an online Quiz, Assignment folder, Grades, and Rubrics. Request setup of assignment folder, grades and rubric via our online form.  | |
Request set up of Groups (if applicable) – Groups can be used to organize students’ work on projects or assignments. Assignment Folder and Rubric Request  | |
Request setup of Quizzes (if applicable) – Faculty of Business and Law Learning Innovations team can support Unit Teams in the setup of an online Quiz. Quiz Creation Request* Note: at least 2 weeks lead-time required. | |
Create new cloud synchronous class/session using Zoom LTI – Faculty of Business and Law Learning Innovations team support can help with setup and advice on delivery. | |
Add link to class/seminar recordings –in the CloudDeakin unit site for students to access the recordings. For on-campus timetabled CLASSES (lectures), please ensure you have selected at least one offering of the CLASS to be automatically recorded weekly. If you wish to have an on-campus SEMINAR automatically recorded, please make sure you have again selected this in your timetabling options. If you are unsure what you have selected, please contact Timetabling – Business & Law NB. The folder, Class Recordings has been hidden in all units as currently we are only holding online Classes and Seminars and recordings will be housed in the Zoom LTI links. |
Add eReadings (if applicable, using Talis Aspire) – Check and update existing and create new links to eReadings. Contact your Faculty Librarian Liaison to create your eReadings. | |
Advanced functionality – CloudDeakin advanced features enable you to interact and engage with your students. eg. If you wish to use Intelligent Agents, Mentimeter, H5P’s etc. please contact Learning Innovations to help you include these features in your unit. |