CloudDeakin Advanced Features

CloudDeakin has a number of advanced features that enables you to interact and engage with your students, here are some you might like to try:

  • Audio and Video feedback can be recorded when you are providing feedback in the dropbox
  • Intelligent Agents enable you to send automated emails based on selective release criteria, e. when a student receives a high or low grade.
  • DeakinAir enables students and staff to upload their videos to Kaltura, Deakin’s

DeakinAir allows you to very easily browse and contribute video to teaching sites in CloudDeakin and other web-based products including our internet and intranet pages and social software sites (Web2.0) both internal and external to Deakin.

If you have existing video that you would like to share with your students, peers or colleagues, DeakinAir can help by offering an easy and intuitive interface by which to browse existing video content or upload your own, including the ability to make a quick and simple webcam recording.

A complete guide of the latest features with video tutorials is located here.

Using video for assessment? Here is a simple guide for staff to share with students to produce and upload videos to DeakinAir and for submission to CloudDeakin for assessment. The following student infographic is about â€˜uploading and submitting videos in DeakinAir and CloudDeakin‘.

This student video guide covers:

  • selecting the right video specifications and understanding Internet speeds
  • help with converting video formats
  • using DeakinAir CaptureSpace to record video, audio and screen
  • how to upload video to DeakinAir successfully
  • how to submit DeakinAir videos to CloudDeakin as an assessment item
  • alternative option: how to upload videos to Youtube and submit these videos to CloudDeakin
  • where to get help and support
  • Deakin Video has two options of linking your lecture recordings; you can either select to link individual weekly recordings or have 1 link to all
  • Replacement Strings allow you to personalize messages by providing the code to replace information that is specific to a student such as their first and last names. This allows you to send personalized messages to each student in your site without having to enter their personal details numerous

For further assistance with using these advanced features in CloudDeakin please contact support team.

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