University handbook and important dates
For current information on all unit and course offerings, you are encouraged to refer to the University Handbook. The online handbook is updated as curriculum amendments are approved, so it is generally the most reliable source for up-to-date unit and course information.
Annual handbook and curriculum update
The Faculty Academic Compliance and Curriculum Group coordinate the annual handbook and curriculum update for the following year between April and August each year. During this process, you may be requested by your Director of Teaching to revise unit information in the online handbook.
The deadline is quite early to ensure that changes can be considered and approved at the relevant Committees, allowing accurate information to be available for re-enrolling students and for use in marketing and promotional material for the following year.
If you find that information related to your unit appears to be incorrect, please contact the Education Team, relevant Course Director or Director of Teaching, who can follow this up on your behalf.
University schedule of important dates
Like the University Handbook, the schedule of important dates is an essential resource for all Unit Chairs as it includes all of the details that are relevant for students in current and future trimesters.
You should refer to the schedule of important dates when setting assessment dates, checking whether public holidays or events impact on your timetabled classes in a particular week, to remind your students about the census date and other deadlines related to withdrawing, or even just to remind yourself what week it is!