Learning outcomes
Each course has a clear set of ‘Course Learning Outcomes’ (CLOs) that relate to the knowledge and capabilities we expect students to develop and be able to demonstrate at a level and standard that meet the requirements of the Australian Qualifications Framework. The CLOs also embed achievement of the Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs) (see next page for more information on GLOs). These CLOs provide the rationale for the structure and operation of the course, including the inclusion of core units.
Each unit has a set of ‘Unit Learning Outcomes’ (ULOs) that are designed to contribute to achievement of the CLOs and the University’s Graduate Learning Outcomes. The approved alignment between a Unit’s ULOs and the GLOs is mapped out for students in each Unit Guide.
Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) provide the rationale for the design and delivery of the unit. There must be clear alignment between the ULOs, the content of the unit, the learning activities and the assessment (including the rubrics). All ULOs must be assessed and both teachers and students must be able to evidence the level of achievement of each of the ULOs. Assessment tasks should not formally assess aspects of learning that are not related to the ULOs.
Key points when writing or amending ULOs:
- ULOs need to be expressed from a student perspective and describe the knowledge, understanding and/or skills that successful students will be able to demonstrate upon completing the unit.
- Unit learning outcomes must start with a verb aligned with the cognitive domain of Bloom’s taxonomy
- Teaching and assessment in the unit must be directed towards the intended learning outcomes.
- Changes to ULOs need to be made in consultation with the relevant Course Director/s and/or Course Teams to ensure any changes are consistent with the requirements of the course/s and with the alignment to CLOs and GLOs as will have been previously approved in the respective course designs.
- Changes to ULOs, including alignment to GLOs and/or assessment tasks, need Faculty approval before they can be published in the Unit Guide. See the details regarding the requirements on Changing learning outcomes and assessment page.
For a further information on how to write learning outcomes, see the How to write a learning outcome fact sheet.