Changing learning outcomes and assessment
After marking a particular assessment task you may find that you need to amend the type of task or other aspect of it to better evaluate the learning outcomes for your unit. You may find that to keep your unit current and relevant you need to also update the learning outcomes. Many changes to units are governed within the Faculty in line with University and/or Faculty requirements.
Steps for changing learning outcomes and assessment:
- Discuss the changes you’d like to make with the unit team, the Course Director and your Director of Teaching. This will help ensure these changes make sense with the rest of the degree/s your unit is aligned to.
- Contact your Course Support Officer advising them that you would like to make a change to the unit. The Academic Programs staff member will assist you by prefilling the current approved Assessment, ULOs and Alignment information into a form and sending it to you.
- Complete the form by adding the details of the proposed assessment and any changes to alignment in line with the Curriculum Committee Guidelines for Unit Changes.
- Sign the form and seek approval from the relevant Course Director/s and Director of Teaching. The Academic Programs team can assist and advise if this step is required.
- Submit the form to The proposal will be considered at the next B&L Curriculum Committee meeting and approval outcome noted in the Minutes. If approved, B&L Curriculum and Governance Team will update the relevant unit Handbook entry according to the effective date of the change.
- On notification of approval, update the Summative and Detailed Assessment Table in the Unit Guide to reflect the changes in assessment.
The University Handbook is published in August of each year. To ensure a change is approved prior to this deadline, any change to assessment needs to be submitted to and approved by the Faculty Curriculum Committee (under delegated authority from Faculty Board) no later than May for changes to take place from the following year. For example, if you want to make a change to your assessment tasks in T1, 2024, you’ll need to have the changes approved no later than May, 2023.
Policy requirements governing this process
The process relating to assessment is governed at a University level through the Assessment (Higher Educations Courses) Procedure and Regulation 5.3(1) — Assessment and Academic Progress in Higher Education Award Courses. These documents set out requirements that Faculties and Unit Chairs must meet in relation to assessment practices at the university and thus it is important that you are familiar with them.