Assessment rubrics


An assessment rubric is a tool that sets out criteria for an assessment task against different performance levels (standards). A well-designed rubric can also be used to assist students in their preparation of assessment responses, as well as for providing an indication when marking as to the level of a student’s assessment response.

Criteria need to clearly align to the learning outcomes (both at the ULO and GLO level). If, for example, one of the GLOs in your unit is critical thinking and is aligned to a specific assessment, you need to ensure that one of the criteria in your rubric is critical thinking.

The Faculty of Business and Law requires that a standardised rubric be used for communicating assessment criteria to students for coursework tasks. The current rubric framework requires all coursework assessments to be marked using a rubric that meets the design requirements of the framework, unless an exemption has been provided from the ADTL.

Rubrics need to be included in the assessment brief for all assessment tasks. They also need to be digitised and linked to the relevant assessment task in the Unit Site to facilitate the marking process. As Unit Chair, it is your responsibility to design the rubric and ensure it is included in the assessment brief.

The Learning Innovations’ Teaching and Learning team can provide support in rubric design. Please send a request for design assistance to Assignment Folder, Grades & Rubric Request to request assistance.

Once your rubric has been finalised, you can then lodge a request for it to be digitised and added to the Unit Site  Assignment Folder, Grades & Rubric Request

For templates and other resources related to the design and use of rubrics, see the information on rubrics available on the Learning Innovations BCEL site.

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