Using the Callista Student Management System


Callista is Deakin’s Student Management System that includes all of the students’ application, enrolment, results and course completion information. At various stages throughout the trimester you will need to access this system either to download or input information about the students enrolled in the unit.

What do you need to use Callista for as a Unit Chair?

Download Class Lists – Pre and during trimester

Although you can retrieve class lists from the CloudDeakin, class lists should be downloaded from Callista as this has the complete details of student enrolment information.  Video instructions for how to download your class list are available on the Division of Student Administration (DSA) wiki.

Note: Class lists for individual seminars can be obtained from STAR.

You may need to download and update your class list regularly for the first three weeks of trimester, as students often move from one unit to another until census date.

Please be mindful of how you store and share any class lists downloaded, as they will contain private student information.

Upload final results

As the final step of the result finalisation process, each students final grade for the unit must be uploaded into Callista. It is only through this process that students results will become available to them on StudentConnect when the results are released. Detailed information on the results finalisation process is available in the finalising student results page.

How do you get access to Callista?

If you do not already have access to Callista you will need request access by completing an online form. For more information including how to request access and use Callista, please view the information is available on the DSA wiki  and if you have any questions, contact DBS Support or DLS Support.

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