Timetabling and room bookings


Timetabling of teaching activities is managed by the university Infrastructure and Property Group (IPG) and this includes all standard trimester teaching activities as listed in the online handbook and ad-hoc room bookings. 

Trimester timetabled teaching activities

Annually, the IPG representative who works with the Faculty of Business and Law will set up a meeting with the timetabling coordinator (usually the Director of Teaching) in each Department and run through the timetabling requirements for every scheduled activity for the units offered during the given study period.

The timetable details will be discussed for each teaching activity, including:

  • week pattern and any variations (i.e. weekly class with fortnightly seminar)
  • student numbers
  • for each activity type, what number of students should be in the spaces
  • what kind of teaching space is needed* (i.e. computer lab, lecture theatre, multipurpose room or the trading room)
  • what features are needed in the space (i.e. document cameras, flat floor, whiteboard, video link, VMP)
  • clashes to consider (that aren’t evident in course plans)
  • which activities will be recorded for each activity type (i.e. none, all, 1 or 2)
  • whether livestreaming is required
  • whether the unit is dual coded
  • whether there is a requirement for anything to be scheduled concurrently (i.e. multiple activities for an in-class test)
  • who the lecturers and tutors will be and if there will be any repeats

*Note: Teaching spaces, particularly those designed for active and collaborative learning on the Burwood campus will only be allocated to classes at full capacity. Therefore, consideration must be given to seminar size when planning for spaces such as these (approx. 48 or 96 students per session).

If you have specific timetabling requirements to run particular types of teaching activities, it is important that you have these discussion with your Director of Teaching well before each study period commences.

Generally, changes to scheduled learning activities will need to be approved by the Curriculum Committee at least one trimester prior to the study period you wish to make the change for. For all other requirements, these need to be raised with the timetabling team at the meeting with the relevant Department contact. Late changes (6 weeks or less prior to the commencement of trimester) will only be accommodated in exceptional circumstances.

Draft timetables can be viewed by staff and students on the Timetable web page. Students can view the draft timetable in February for T1, June for T2 and October for T3. View at: www.deakin.edu.au/timetable 

Cancelling room bookings due to insufficient enrolment numbers

If circumstances change and for some reason a room that had been booked for teaching purposes is no longer required, either on a one-off or continuing basis, the booking for that room must be cancelled; there are significant penalties for the Faculty if rooms are booked but not used. Please discuss this with your Director of Teaching before cancelling a room.

To cancel a booking, send an email to: ttbusinesslaw@deakin.edu.au and include:

  • details of the booking including the room number to be cancelled
  • unit and activity scheduled
  • date and time
  • the approval of your Director of Teaching to cancel the session
Cancelling room bookings due to illness

If you are not able to take a lecture or seminar due to illness, you should first attempt to find someone who can take your class on your behalf. If a substitute is not available and the class needs to be cancelled, please be sure to follow the procedures below so that all concerned are kept informed. This will avoid a number of unnecessary complications.

  • Notify your students directly via email or CloudDeakin as your first point of action.
  • Notify your Director of Teaching
  • Send an email marked URGENT to ttbusinesslaw@deakin.edu.au to advise of the cancellation and request for a make-up class when necessary. If you are unable to do so, please advise your Director of Teaching of this.

One-off room bookings

For general one-off bookings you can fill in a request via this online form.

Identifying suitable teaching and learning spaces

When making a timetabling request, you may wish to make a request for a room with particular facilities and or location. Speak to your Director of Teaching early if you have specific needs, as some requirements are only available in a very limited capacity and book out fast.

The Deakin Learning Spaces Taxonomy is a resource compiled by members of the Deakin Campus Learning Spaces Committee. Deakin staff can use this resource to learn more about the range of learning spaces and components available at Deakin.

The IT facilities in Deakin spaces is an AV-inventory that allows you to look up learning spaces by inputting various criteria or to check what audio visual and/or other facilities are available in a particular learning space.

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