Textbook orders


Hardcopy textbooks

The University no longer has a University Bookshop. Students are requested to purchase any prescribed textbooks from publishers or online retailers. The Library endeavours to have e-copies of all prescribed textbooks but not all publishers provide University licenses.

Unit chairs are encouraged to use Open Educational Resources (OER) as references for students, rather than textbooks. OER are provided free to students and academics are able to modify content to suit thier units’ needs. The library assists in the identification of relevant OER for units. Please speak to your DoT if you need more information in relation to OERs.

The Faculty Curriculum Group (BL Business and Law Curriculum buslaw-curriculum@deakin.edu.au coordinates unit textbook orders on behalf of the Library. Approximately 8 weeks prior to the commencement of the each new year, Unit Chairs will receive an email from support staff providing the details of the textbooks previously ordered for their unit. Unit Chairs will be required to either confirm the same order for the upcoming year or provide changes as required. If there was no textbook order previously, Unit Chairs are asked to submit their order via email or confirm that no textbook is required.

Note: The deadline for finalising the textbook orders for the new academic year will be mid-October of the previous year. If textbook details change during an academic year, unit chairs are requested to advise the Faculty Curriculum Group BL Business and Law Curriculum buslaw-curriculum@deakin.edu.au.


If your unit requires a textbook, it is preferable that the prescribed text is available as an eBook through the library. Sometimes an eBook might be available to purchase commercially but publishers do not always allow the institutional licence that is required to make the text available via the library. It is important that you check with your Liaison Librarian before setting an eBook as the prescribed text for your unit.

Some units have a reading list instead of a textbook, using chapters from multiple sources including books and articles. At times unit chairs are approached by publishers to create a custom text for a unit taking chapters from current books and collating them into a custom text for a unit. This is not encouraged and you should discuss this with your Director of Teaching and your Liaison Librarian before proceeding.

Author-Academic Textbooks

If you want to use a prescribed text, software or other course-related materials in which either yourself or another Deakin staff member has a financial interest, the Author Academic Textbooks Approval Form must be completed. It is then required to be approved by Faculty Board at the next meeting. Please note that the textbook will not be ordered until the Author Academic identified text has been approved by Faculty Board.

For more information on this process, please see the information on the Textbooks page of the B&L Wiki.

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