Review of results
All students are entitled to apply for Administrative and/or Academic Review of Result. Review of Result applications can be submitted by students within 5 working days of their result release. This application period is run in conjunction with the feedback period and students are entitled to seek and be provided with feedback during this time.
To have their result for a unit reviewed, students need to apply to the Faculty Academic Progress Committee (FAPC) online.
These processes are strictly managed by the FAPC who will guide and request information from Unit Chairs as required.
Administrative review
Applications for administrative review of result are sent to relevant Unit Chairs in an excel spreadsheet via a SharePoint site to complete and return within five working days. Unit Chairs are required to confirm that all assessment marks have been included and added up correctly in obtaining the student’s final result.
Students do not have to provide any grounds for requesting an Administrative Review.
Unit Chairs are required to supply the following information to complete the Administrative Review:
- All assessment task marks (including the exam mark)
- The final result for the student
- Whether marks for the unit have been scaled/moderated
- Whether any fail marks have been double marked
- Whether there was a hurdle requirement for the unit, if so what the hurdle was and whether the student failed the hurdle
- Whether the final result is confirmed as released or if it needs to be amended
Where a student’s result needs to be amended, please complete and return an Amendment to Results Form with the administrative review spreadsheet.
Academic review
Academic Reviews are not automatically granted and students are required to provide appropriate grounds for consideration by the FAPC before granting. The FAPC liaises with the Unit Chair for feedback/action only where required.
For a review to be granted the student needs to demonstrate that either University Assessment Policy or the Unit Guide have not been correctly applied. If a student’s review statement is inadequate or unsubstantiated, the request will be rejected.
For this type of review, it is the student’s responsibility to provide sufficient evidence and documentation to justify a review of result.
If you have queries about review of result requests, please email
Note: The FAPC can ask that a student’s mark be altered under a review process, they can also ask that other students’ papers are remarked.