Pass conceded and final unit to complete


Sometimes a student might consult you following the release of results when they have attempted all of their units and due to failing one or more units has found themselves requiring one unit to complete their course requirements.

If students meet certain criteria, they may be able to complete their degree by either having a pass conceded to be granted on one of the failed units or alternatively be granted a supplementary assessment to attempt a pass grade.

Advice you should provide to students

As a Unit Chair, your advice to students should be confined to directing them to the Final Unit to Complete webpage.

They can, after reading the instructions, directly lodge an online application for a pass conceded award. This application is forwarded to the FAPC for determination and a recommendation is made in consultation with the Heads of School and Unit Chairs.

You can also direct students to visit the following link for a list of frequently asked questions related to assessment and results.

Note: Your consultation with a student must not result in a student’s examination script being remarked. If the Unit Chair identifies an error in the paper, they should discuss this with the Director of Teaching.  The only other opportunity for an academic remark of an examination script is a successful application to the Faculty Academic Progress Committee for an academic review of result. Do not remark scripts independently of this process.

In your conversation, please do not indicate to students that they are most likely to be successful in respect of an application for a pass conceded grade in your unit, this advice has the potential to cause confusion and unnecessary concern for the student.

Outcomes and your responsibilities as Unit Chair

After completing the application, if a student is granted a pass conceded grade, they will be graded “PC” with no numeric mark and there will be no requirement for you to do anything as Unit Chair.

If however they are granted a supplementary assessment, the student’s result will be changed in Callista to SAE or SAA and they will be scheduled to sit a supplementary exam in the next special/supplementary exam period.  If they pass this exam, the highest mark they can receive is 50 (P) and if they fail, their mark will need to revert to their original mark (i.e 42 N).  You will need to complete an Amendment to Results Form to update their result from SAE to the required mark and send this to

Please contact your Director of Teaching, the Chair, FAPC or one of the Secretaries at for further information.

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