Managing examinations
From a management perspective there are a number of key activities that Unit Chairs need to complete during the trimester to ensure that the End of Unit Assessment period (including Examinations) are prepared and administered accurately and securely.
Examination schedule
It is important for unit chairs to understand dates around the End of Unit Assessment period, submitting their exams for approval, and finalising results. The Learning Innovations team advise the key submission dates for End of Unit Assessment tasks and Examinations. The DBS Support and DLS Support teams also notify unit chairs of key deadlines as they approach.
Examination Details Report (EDR)
Preparation of the unit End of Unit Assessment task or Examination (if required) takes place in two phases. The first phase (around week two of the trimester) requires the Unit Chair to complete an online form describing the End of Unit Assessment task or Examination requirements for the unit.
Unit Chairs are asked to submit their exam requirements (i.e. length of exam, the resources permitted, using the online Exam Paper Submission (EPS) system just after the commencement of each trimester. This process is coordinated in the Faculty by the DBS Support or DLS support staff who will liaise with Unit Chairs.
End of Unit Assessment task or Examination Paper Submission
Once you have prepared your End of Unit Assessment task or Examination and solutions they need to be moderated. A minimum of two different examination papers are required for all 2 hour papers which are at least 75% different. Only one assessment task is required for units with 24 hour End of Unit Assessments. You will be advised as to who your moderator is. Once you and your moderator have agreed on the content of the papers, you are ready to submit.
This second phase of End of Unit Assessment task and Examination preparation occurs around week six of the trimester and requires the submission of the relevant tasks/exams.
If your unit does not have a formal examination listed then you will not be required to complete this process.
Reminders will be sent to staff well in advance of the due dates.
If a special or supplementary End of Unit Assessment task or Exam is required, a request will be sent to the Unit Chair that was appointed during the relevant study period which the special/sup exam is required for. The supplementary/special paper should be 75% different from the original paper and must specify on the cover page and header that it is a supplementary/special paper. The dates for submission usually coincide with current End of Unit Assessment task or Exam deadlines except for the Supplementary period held during trimester 2.
End of Unit Assessment Tasks and Examination Marking
Once the teaching period finishes the Unit Chair should ensure that all marks and grades are finalised within approximately two weeks. Departments and the Law School will set the date for their mark ratification meeting.
Before a fail grade is recorded for any student, the Unit Chair must ensure that all failed assessment items are second marked. The Faculty Assessment Guidelines provide more detail on these processes. In exceptional circumstances (i.e.. very large units) other staff may be involved. When papers are second marked this should be evidenced on the CloudDeakin site.
End of Unit Assessment Tasks and Examination Feedback
Students may request individual feedback from the Unit Chair on their performance in quizzes, end-of-unit assessments and examinations within 10 University working days from receiving their mark.
Feedback is a chance for Unit Chairs to discuss areas for development arising from a student’s exam. It is not a forum for students to question the assignment of individual marks or work through a paper looking for marking “errors.” Students should not be provided with the solution or marking guide for the End of Unit Assessment task or Exam. They should not bring their friends with them to a feedback discusson. End of Unit Assessment tasks and Exam result reviews should be undertaken one on one, not with groups of students. Be careful not to change a mark for students due to marking errors without considering the implications of this for the whole cohort. For example if you think one marker was too hard, and you increase the mark for one students in reality all students’ marks for that question/marker needs to be reviewed.
In cases where students try to use feedback as a means of questioning academic judgement, students should not be directed to apply for Review of Results. Statements like “I thought I did better” or “I don’t agree with the marking of this assessment” are not grounds for review. If students are aggressive in the review of results, ask the student to leave and if necessary seek assistance from another staff member and refer the student to the Faculty Academic Integrity Committee.