Meet with teaching staff
It is important you meet with the teaching team, including sessional or teaching assistants, prior to the beginning of the trimester as well as during the trimester. In your first meeting you should outline your expectations of students and of the tutors, discuss the assessment for the unit and outline the teaching strategies to be employed.
It is particularly important to ensure that where a unit is taught on multiple campuses there is consistency across the teaching and assessment in the unit. This means developing teaching plans and informing teaching staff of your expectation that these plans will be followed.
Meetings you may need to organise:
- Pre-trimester briefing
- Marking moderation meetings for each assessment – this might include pre-moderation meetings where you discuss the rubric and how student work will be assessed
- Post-trimester debrief
A weekly teaching plan is a very useful tool for achieving consistency of delivery across the teaching team. If you are unsure how to prepare a weekly teaching plan, please contact Learning Innovations General Requests – Learning Innovation for assistance.
Be mindful that meeting time should be included in the casual staff plan for sessional staff, so while it’s important to meet, be mindful of the amount of time meetings might take and plan accordingly.