Administrative steps in the eVALUate process
DBS Support or DLS Support staff will send you a link to a spreadsheet on SharePoint before the end of the trimester, populated with teaching staff for your unit.
You will need to check that every person who taught (including Online) is listed and then assign them a number (do not include staff who only provided marking services). The correct completion of this form is critical. Staff applying for promotion and confirmation of probation must have eVALUate data
You will be asked to:
- Check that the teaching staff names for the unit code, version, campus, class and mode combination are correct
- “Rank” each person in numerical order, starting with 1 (this will be the physical order the names will appear)
- Allocate a “role” to each person. This can be “Lecturer (L)” or “Tutor (T)”, or you can nominate both (L & T) if applicable
The DBS Support or DLS Support team will upload this information into Callista which will ensure students are able to provide evaluative feedback for the relevant lecturer or tutor who taught them in the unit.
If you have any queries about this process, contact DBS Support or DLS Support by email.