Unit Chair Manual Copy Copy

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Becoming a Unit Chair
Key activities of a Unit Chair
You are required to lead and undertake a number of activities as part of the Unit Chair role. This includes:
- Unit preparation
- Learning design
- Learning resource development
- Leading teaching and learning delivery in the unit
- Monitoring student engagement and progress
- Assessing student learning
- Finalising records of student marks and grades
- Reviewing unit assessment profile
- Reflecting on student feedback on learning and unit experience
- Reviewing and reflecting on unit learning outcomes, content, teaching and assessment delivery
- Prioritising actions for ongoing unit and course enhancement.
Policy requirements of the Unit Chair role
Much of the work of a Unit Chair, as the leader of a unit team, is prescribed in university policy and procedure. The Deakin policies and procedures are updated regularly and may result in changes that directly impact on some of the responsibilities you have as a Unit Chair. It is highly recommended you familiarise yourself with the following policies:
- Assessment (Higher Education Courses) Procedure
- Evaluation of Teaching and Units Procedure
- Course Design and Delivery Procedure
This unit chair manual will help with understanding your responsibilities, both the administrative side, and the pedagogical side.
Unit preparation: designing and developing the unit
Overview of unit preparation design requirements
Whether it is the first time that the unit has run, you are taking on the unit chair responsibilities for the first time, or even if you ran the unit in the previous trimester, you should deliberately design learning activities, assessment and feedback opportunities for the trimester ahead.
Learning Outcomes
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Unit, course and graduate learning outcomes
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Taxonomies of learning and action verbs for drafting learning outcomes
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Designing assessment tasks
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Assessment brief templates
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Changing learning outcomes and/or assessment
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Approval process for changing units
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Modes of delivery
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CloudDeakin and associated technologies
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University Handbook
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Developing learning resources
Overview of learning resources and activities
Know your cohort
Context as well as content
Teaching plans
CloudDeakin development sites
Guidelines for charging fees for student resources
Resources for designing learning and assessment
Unit preparation: administrative activities
Create the unit guide
Step 1
All units must have a Unit Guide created (or updated) by the Unit Chair for each Trimester the unit is offered.
Set up the unit site
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TALIS: your library resources/reading list
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Timetabling and room bookings
For each campus-based offering of a unit, the activities need to be scheduled and rooms allocated in the University timetable system.
Textbook orders
Recruit sessional/casual staff
Meet with teaching staff
Using the Callista Student Management System
Managing my unit and sessional staff
Step 1
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Managing student expectations around the unit
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Mentoring and supporting sessional staff
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Providing academic advice and support to students
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Waiving hurdle or prerequisite requirements
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Monitoring student engagement and progress
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General support for students
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Academic skills and support for students
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Academic integrity
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General misconduct
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Dealing with complaints
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Safety and Deakin Safer Community
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Assessing, marking and providing feedback
Step 1
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Providing feedback on student assessment
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Using Turnitin to check for plagarism
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Providing reasonable adjustments
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Assessment extensions
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Managing late submissions
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Assessment panels
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Assessment (examination) schedule
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Managing examinations
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Special consideration
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Storage and destruction of assessment material
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Finalising student results
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Review of results
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Amendment of results
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Pass conceded and final unit to complete
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