Learning is social

Students are welcomed into a respectful, vibrant learning community with multiple opportunities for dialogue and interaction with teaching staff and fellow learners

Teacher presence

Learning resources, activities and sequences are designed to highlight the role of teacher as guide who encourages student autonomy and collaborative learning through active facilitation. Shared physical and digital learning spaces are designed to foster interaction. For online learning, this includes:

  • Short personalised video-plus-text introductions to key concepts and key assessment tasks
  • Regular news/discussion forum posts  that encourage students to engage with unit learning activities, identify key milestones and link to relevant current events
  • Contact details and availability are clearly signaled and students are encouraged to communicate with teachers and peers
  • Regular clear, consistent and encouraging communications that use inclusive language to get to know students as individuals

Peer engagement

The learning environment, language and culture fosters student interaction and collaboration; learning activities provide a mix of group and individual activities. This includes:

  • Discussion activities that ask students to articulate their understanding and engage respectfully with each other’s point of view
  • Supported collaborative activities where students plan, work and reflect in teams in online and/or face to face environments on shared tasks and goals, contributing in complementary and authentic roles
  • Maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment, including modelling respectful interactions, inclusive language and conflict/disagreement resolution techniques where relevant
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