Learning is feedback focused
Activities and assessments provide multiple opportunities for formative feedback from both staff and peers.
Teacher feedback
Students are provided with regular, structured, individual and group feedback at key points in the learning sequence. This includes:
- early provision and explanation of informative assessment rubrics to guide pre-submission and post-submission teacher-student and peer-peer dialogue regarding assessment tasks
- group feedback following key assessment tasks
- personalized and constructive feedback on key assessment tasks including video/audio feedback where appropriate
- scheduled Q&A sessions pre and post key assessment tasks through recorded webinar or other structured forum
- timely interaction during learning tasks that prompts learners by asking questions, provides specific feedback on student progress, and scaffolds students’ metacognition
- guest feedback from community and industry representatives as appropriate
Peer feedback
Students are provided with regular, structured opportunities at key points in the learning sequence to actively participate in feedback activities where they give and receive peer feedback to develop their lifelong learning skills. These include:
- Self and peer assessment activities that effectively develop students’ evaluative judgement and feedback skills
- Activities that ask students to reflect on, respond to and use feedback to improve their performance