Learning is designed

Across units and courses to build towards achievement of graduate learning outcomes. Learning activities, assessment and outcomes are aligned to create a consistent and integrated learning pathway that fosters deep learner engagement.

Constructive alignment

Intentional learning design aligns learning activities and assessment with learning outcomes to create consistent messages to students that reinforce the relevance and value of learning activities. Learning design is:

  • mapped to the Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes and employability of graduates
  • linked across activities within a unit and across units contributing to a course so that students can see the relevance of learning activities and assessment

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes explain the intention of the unit or course to learners, teachers and support staff. Learning outcomes:

  • state what the learner will know and be able to do on successful completion, and the required level of achievement as a standard for assessment
  • are constructed for all units and courses and aligned to Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes
  • are written clearly for a diverse audience and are meaningful to all students.

Curriculum mapping

Curriculum maps document the design of units and courses. They include:

  • the structure of courses to clearly identify components and help students to make decisions about the content of their degree
  • alignment of learning outcomes between units and courses and the Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes
  • the distribution of assessment across units and courses noting the range of assessment required to measure graduate learning outcomes and points of authentication
  • the authenticity of learning activities and assessment to the discipline and future application in employment
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