
Reading List

Using a reading list is an easy way for students to be able to access their required readings. All types of resources can be added including book chapters, articles, videos and website links from the library and the internet.

The list can further be customised to reflect the layout of your unit site – if your unit uses topics, you can create sections for each topic that can then be embedded in the unit site under the topics. If your unit has a prescribed text, there will be a reading list created by the library – this is how DeakinGenie finds prescribed text information for students.

To see the list for a unit, go to the reading list site and search for a unit code. The lists can be edited to add or remove resources, add notes for student and descriptions about the readings. Each reading can be given an importance – prescribed, recommended or further reading. If your reading is only available in print, the library can organise digitisation and inclusion on a reading list, complying with copyright. Reading lists are also rolled over each trimester.

There are instructions on the library website for using reading lists and your liaison librarian can assist with training tailored to your unit needs and answer any questions you have. If you have any reading list questions, please contact your liaison librarian.

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