Panopto Guide – Panopto Folder Structure
Understanding the folder structure in Panopto is crucial for maximising its potential. It facilitates content sharing, collaboration, and organisation. With various storage options available, this guide will explain the use of different folders, collaboration methods with staff, and efficient content retrieval.
Folder Structure
The following categories will explain how each folder works.
Unit Folder
The Unit Folder is the primary folder visible when accessing Panopto through the Unit Site. It is linked to the unit site, sharing content permissions to allow enrolled students to view videos and staff to edit and make edits.
To access the Unit Folder:
- Go to your Unit Site.
- Navigate to Content > Class Recordings and choose Panopto Video.
It is recommended to store all teaching and learning video content in the designated unit folder.
The folder follows the format: “Year Trimester – UnitCode_Tri-x_Year – UnitCode – Unit Title”
Example: “2024 Trimester 1 – MAA103_Tri-1-2021 – MAA101 – Accounting for Decision Making
My Folder
This is your individual folder. If you have generated content that isn’t in your unit folder, it’s probably stored in your My Folder.
To access your My Folder:
- Go to your Unit Site.
- In the Navbar, click on Tools > Panopto; this will direct you to the Panopto homepage.
- Choose My Folder from the left Menu.
Kaltura Migrations
Within your My Folder, you may find a subfolder named Kaltura Migrations. This folder contains content transferred from DeakinAir.
Sub-Folders can be created within your My Folder, providing a way to organise content and collaborate with other staff members. It’s important to remember that while Sub Folders can be created, they cannot be deleted once established.
BL Learning Innovation strongly advises against creating subfolders in the Unit Folder.
Unit Assessment Folders
Unit Assessment Folders are generated when students use them to submit video content. Within these folders, students can view their own submissions, but not those of others. Submissions are locked, preventing any further edits by the students. Staff members have the ability to see all submissions within these folders.