MMM132 and the Principles of Premium Learning and Teaching
Deakin has recently developed its Principles of Premium Learning and Teaching (PPLT), providing an outline of best practice in teaching and learning at Deakin. A key project for the Learning Innovations group is contextualising these principles for the Faculty of Business and Law and identifying pockets of excellence. One unit…
Newsletter – November 2019
Dear Colleagues, Welcome to the Learning Innovations newsletter. Our bi-monthly newsletter will bring you relevant and curated teaching and learning (T&L) updates, initiatives, good practices and tips, and events within the Deakin Business and Law Schools and across the university. We have recently revamped our BCEL ( website and Twitter…
Copyright and CloudDeakin
While CloudDeakin Minimum standards require that we all adhere to copyright legalities, it can be difficult to know where to start. With so much text, image, video and audio content available on the internet – most of which is automatically protected by copyright – how do you know what you…
Learning Innovations Support
Learning Innovations is now managing all requests through ServiceNow. To help us resolve your query as quickly as possible, please fill out our forms with all the appropriate information. General request  Assignment folder, grades and rubric request Quiz creation request Electronic results upload End of unit assessment & supervised (Proctored) exam submission Phone: 03 5227 3303 Our…