Inclusive Curriculum Capacity Building
The Inclusive Curriculum Capacity Building website provides a suite of practical ideas, exemplars and resources to help the way Deakin staff teach. Each page is based on inclusive learning and teaching research and pedagogy. The ICCB website also showcases projects and outcomes that have improved student success and retention.
Inclusive education is characterised by a positive stance towards diversity and difference. Diversity of strengths and learner variability are key to engaging with students. Below are the principles that inform pedagogy, curriculum design and teaching at Deakin.
1. Recognise and embrace student diversity
2. Provide accessible and usable learning resources and environments
3. Design flexible learning experiences
4. Represent diversity in the curriculum
5. Scaffold underpinning knowledge and skills
6. Build a community of learners
7. Assess equitably
8. Feedback effectively
9. Reflect on and evaluate practice.
The ICCB site also promotes accessibility, through early planning into all digital work we produce. By doing so we improve our work and make it accessible to everyone. Deakin is striving to achieve WCAG 2.0 AA, by using standardised designs and templates, tested for AA compliance, providing training, guidelines and support for our web developers and publishers, and using automated accessibility tools, in addition to providing Deakin students and staff with accessibility support.
By making our content inclusive, engaging and interesting, we serve our students in the best way possible. Remember it’s not just about teaching and methods, it’s also about listening to what the students have to say.