Copyright and CloudDeakin
While CloudDeakin Minimum standards require that we all adhere to copyright legalities, it can be difficult to know where to start. With so much text, image, video and audio content available on the internet – most of which is automatically protected by copyright – how do you know what you can include on your CloudDeakin site?
The good news is that we have licences available which allow you to include resources in CloudDeakin for most circumstance. There are however a few different rules to consider depending on what type of content you are trying to use.
To ensure that you’re not breaching the Copyright Act when putting together resources for your students, keep the following in mind.
- Use Reading Lists in Talis Aspire when supplying your students with book chapters, journal articles, website links and any external PDF documents. Copyright management is embedded into this software and the library will help with any resource and scanning needs. Contact your Liaison Librarian for everything to do with reading lists.
- Web links can be placed in Reading Lists or on your unit site. You won’t need to attribute these as you aren’t creating a copy. Do not rely on online sources that are infringing copyright or any disreputable websites.
- Many web platforms offer embedding code. Embedding content in CloudDeakin is allowed when you use code provided from the platform to access legitimate content. You can embed YouTube videos so long as the video is from a legitimate source, such as a corporate channel. The library subscribes to many excellent video platforms which embed, and your Liaison Librarian can assist you with.
- If you need to copy video or music, there are a few more requirements that the Copyright Office is happy to assist with. Please get in contact to discuss your needs: copyright@deakin.edu.au
- All images you use from legitimate sources are covered, but only if they are attributed – this means providing the source details and artist information where available (Google Images is not the source!). This applies to images in PowerPoints, lectures and CloudDeakin. Images include photos, artworks, diagrams, maps, and graphs. There isn’t a limit to the portion or number of images copied.
- Do not upload PDF copies of journal articles and ebooks sourced from the library’s electronic databases as this is usually in breach of the library’s subscription. Use Reading Lists in Talis Aspire or directly link to the resource in the library.
If you can’t find the answer, or you’d like to seek clarification, contact copyright@deakin.edu.au or your school Liaison Librarian who can assist in finding available or alternative sources. Alternatively, visit the ‘Using content in unit sites’ Wiki page, which includes useful subheadings, and focuses on the types of material you might want to provide to your students. Finally, make sure you visit the Teaching page, which has many useful links that pertain to copyright and teaching, such as including material in exams and sources of copyright free images.