• CloudDeakin

    Teaching Online, easy. Right?

    It’s been a few weeks now since we’ve moved our teaching online. That was a tumultuous week. Tuesday 17 March, we got the directive to pause all campus teaching; and I wondered what was going to happen to the MWL101 seminar I teach on Wednesdays. I was quite impressed that…

  • Digital Polling

    Digital Polling

    Deakin is piloting the use of an enterprise license of Mentimeter as part of the Digital Learning Environment 3 Collaboration project. Mentimeter is a digital polling software and presentation tool that enables interactivity and engagement using real-time digital polling. Digital Polling can be used in teaching and learning spaces for…

  • CloudDeakin

    Reading List

    Using a reading list is an easy way for students to be able to access their required readings. All types of resources can be added including book chapters, articles, videos and website links from the library and the internet. The list can further be customised to reflect the layout of…

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