Business & Law Education Research @ Deakin

BLER@D supports and promotes a scholarly approach to improve student learning outcomes in business and law education by: 

  • Building the capacity of BLER@D scholars to conduct evidence-based impactful Business & Law education research.
  • Disseminating research outcomes that evidence impact to academic stakeholders.
  • Disseminating teaching and learning tools that ‘make a difference’ to student learning, and to internal and external teaching staff.
  • Recognising and rewarding evidence-based, impactful business  & law education research outputs.
  • Establishing productive research partnerships both domestically and internationally, with a focus on AACSB and EQUIS accredited Business School partners and reputed Law School partners.
  • Promoting academic exchanges between partners to design and develop innovative curriculum and to develop scholarly research outputs.

*A scholarly approach is evidence-based, cognisant of existing literature, and makes a substantial contribution to that body of (peer-reviewed) literature.


Faculty at DBS impact education and scholarship through publishing peer reviewed articles, textbooks and cases that are utilised in education throughout the country and beyond; and through sharing knowledge and insights at national and international education forums, funding success in grants in this domain and capacity building a community of practice in DBS. Most recently HEA fellowships are a key impact of the excellence in this domain for DBS staff.

Business & Law Education Research @ Deakin (BLER@D)

The Faculty’s education and scholarship initiatives are also supported by a dedicated team funded the DVC Education’s portfolio led by an Assoc Prof of Learning Futures who has been an active member of BLER@D Community of Practice (CoP) since it was launched in 2016. She has led this CoP since 2018 and increased that have over 55 members. BLER@D members have participated in three 2-day intensive writing retreats where BLER@D members have engaged in capacity building sessions and spending focused blocks of time with their co-authors to progress their T&L related scholarly manuscripts and grant applications.

Leadership and engagement with national and international networks on Scholarly T&L

The DeakinHE Fellowship program is an accredited and internationally recognised peer reviewed professional recognition program that supports those with teaching and learning experience and expertise in the tertiary sector to gain recognition for HEA Fellowship. Six BLER@D members are Senior Fellows of Advance HEA (Harsh Suri, Sharon Pittaway, Ameeta Jain, Micaela Spiers, Puva P Arumugam and Simone Tyrell).

BLER@D members are contributing to leadership of two Special Interest Groups (SIGs) of Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) activities, such as the following:

  • Found and lead Business Education SIG with over 50 members from Australia, New Zealand, Singapore & South Africa in less than a year (Assoc Prof Harsh Suri)
  • Co-lead Learning Design SIG of ASCILITE (Dr Leanne Ngo)

BLER@D members regularly present insights from their T&L innovations a number of national and international forums including the following higher education networks: ASCILITE, Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australia (HERDSA), Australian Government’s Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), Students Transition Achievement Retention & Success (STARS) and Australian Collaborative Education Network (ACEN), Australasian Business Ethics Network (ABEN), Champions for Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) and PRME ANZ Chapter.

BLER@D members Assoc Prof Suri & Assoc Prof Azmat were also on the international working party of PRME Champions tasked with producing a Blueprint for SDG integration into curriculum, research and partnerships in their roles as Curriculum and Research Theme leads, respectively.

Key Awards

Our T&L innovations have been recognised through a number of faculty, university wide and national awards for Excellence, including the following:

Textbooks of note and impact

 Faculty at DBS have published five new prescribed textbooks and twelve revised editions with reputed publishers like Routledge, Oxford University Press, Pearson, Wiley, Cengage, McGraw-Hill Education and Allen & Unwin.

Research Grants

In addition to a number of internal SoTL grants, we have also received several external research grants including the following:

  • 2020: $30,000 from Bennelong Foundation for project titled ‘Enabling access to tertiary education for students from a refugee background’
  • 2020: $35,109 from National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education for project titled ‘Careers guidance for CALDM/R students’
  • 2020-2022: $199,780 from Helen Macpherson Smith Trust for project titled ‘The Deakin Centre for Refugee Employment, Advocacy, Training and Education: Career Clinics and Employment Guide’
  • 2019-2020: $48,448 from the Department of Home Affairs for project titled ‘Preparing tertiary students from CALD migrant communities for careers in regional areas. Development and evaluation of an online course and associated materials’.
  • 2019: $10,000 from Australian Collaborative Education Network for project titled ‘Virtual WIL: Online WIL Projects and Placements’

GCHE Mentors

BLER@D members are available to mentor FBL staff members undertaking the GCHE. We can assist with identifying Business or Law Education research projects that can be completed as part of your course.

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