Building research capacity in teaching and learning
Dr Harsh Suri on behalf of BLER@D organised a two-days writing retreat (2 & 3 May 2019). Two of the invited speakers, Prof Jon Billsberry, who sits on the Editorial Board of the Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE) and A/Prof Josh Newton (Associate Dean, Research) provided tips and insights on how to effectively publish within the discipline of scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL).
The session provided attendees with an opportunity for one-to-one time with these speakers to clarify questions they had on how to get their work published in reputable journals that would contribute towards enhancing their research.
Prof Jon Billsberry’s session included interesting information on why one would choose management education research and that the ABDC is a good place to start looking at the ranking of the various journals that is available for Management research publication. He provided handy tips when submitting papers for consideration with AMLE such as:
- Communicate simply and clearly;
- Using positive language; and
- To frame the paper within broader AMLE discussion.
For more information on details of his presentation, please contact Dr Suri.
A/Prof Josh Newton’s presentation focussed on publishing T&L Research. He provided a list of T&L journals within the various discipline areas that academics can look out for in order to expand their research in T&L. He added the tip not to discount the potential for generalist journals that publish T&L research as this too helps to broaden one’s research. He also urged academics to keep an eye out for special issues that might be relevant to the area of one’s expertise. For more information on the list of journals, please contact Dr Suri.
Business & Law Education Research @ Deakin (BLER@D) is a body that supports and promotes a scholarly approach to improve student learning outcomes in Business and Law education. Academics in B&L who are working towards their scholarship and publishing output will be keen to know that BLER@D’s roles include:
- Building the capacity of BLER@D scholars to conduct evidence-based, impactful Business & Law education research.
- Disseminating research outcomes that evidence impact to academic stakeholders.
- Disseminating teaching and learning tools that ‘make a difference’ to student learning, and to internal and external teaching staff.
- Recognising and rewarding evidence-based, impactful business & law education research outputs.
- Establishing productive research partnerships both domestically and internationally, with a focus on AACSB and EQUIS accredited Business School partners and reputed Law School partners.
- Promoting academic exchanges between partners to design and develop innovative curriculum and to develop scholarly research outputs.
Each year, BLER@D organises an array of events ranging from writing retreats to collaborating with research bodies like CRADLE to present workshops and talks by renowned scholars in teaching and learning (T&L). This year, we have had two events so far: